Growing a Poplar Tree for the office

Lombardy Poplar Tree

The Poplar Tree Monster from 3fatpigs.


After joking about the company name as a mascot, I had to go ahead with it. I finally bought a Poplar tree for the office!
This is not just any little tree, I’ve bought a Lombardy Poplar Tree which grows 25 meters tall and grows faster than most other trees!

It sounds like a monster but the truth is much less impressive. I’ve bought a little stick and put it in a plant pot.


The Poplar Tree Stick

Even the neighbours joked about this strange stick parcel that arrived and my wife and children are still asking why we have a stick in the office. However, the crazy story doesn’t stop there. These trees grow in Farnham so I could break off a branch or find an unwanted offspring and take it home. Then again, I know nothing about growing trees so this is even more likely to end in a disaster.

Instead, I got carried away and order a Poplar tree from nowhere else than the 3fatpigs in Northern Ireland who posted this stick to me.
It turned out that the local garden centre didn’t stock any Poplar trees so I had no choice if I was going to go ahead with this mad idea.

Poplar Tree, planted bare root tree

The Poplar Tree Stick

The stick that arrived was confirmed as a bare root tree and the three fat pigs had good instructions on their website so there is a slight hope that it will survive.

That’s all I’m afraid but if you’re bored of your latest Facebook updates, we now have an alternative: follow this blog story to see our Poplar tree grow (or die).

This could become the most boring blog feed in the world!