February 27, 2018

Ecommerce Trading Services

Ecommerce Trading Services from Poplar Tree DigitalThe right ecommerce trading services and processes are often the make or break for any ecommerce business. With tight profit margins and short peak seasons, it is more important than ever to get this right.


Price Comparison

Competitor comparisons don’t have to be complicated or expensive!

We have surprised even the most experienced pricing manager with how simple and inexpensive a large scale price comparison audit can be achieved. If you need to stay on top on your competitors’ price changes but don’t have the budget to invest in the big price management tools, we would be more than pleased to train you or manage your price comparison projects.


Web Scraping

This is a very undervalued technique which can help you with many ecommerce problems. We have used it for big companies that can’t quickly get hold of their internal data and many types of data collection. It is also a very effective way to help ecommerce sites with large product sets or other data sets. A quick check of what is displayed on each page in the morning can compliment an alert service to ensure that your website is in top form before each trading day begins.


Task automation

There is no need to do monotonous and time consuming tasks anymore thanks to automation. This service is closely related to web scraping as we can use these tools to do repetitive online tasks for us. However, it doesn’t always need to collect data so here are some uses we’ve had of automation so far:

  • Regression testing of new releases. A day’s job can be shortened to 1 hour.
  • Daily health checks where a human eye needs to review a large set of web pages.
  • Automation of repetitive tasks, often a repetitive setup on ecommerce platforms.
  • Page speed tests that show the real speed of a browser over different connection types.


Alternative Uses of A/B testing tools

This is one of our most popular ecommerce trading services but we have also surprised our clients with the additional opportunities with these tools. It can be your additional web tool when your ecommerce platform is too slow or difficult to test new features. Here are a few examples of how we’ve used Google Optimise to get our clients to move quicker with their ecommerce trading:

  • Promotions on dynamic pages or cross sales.
  • Quick implementation of design, text or features for an urgent campaign launch.
  • Trialling new features which would take too long to build into the existing platform.
  • Event based messaging and advertising.



Web Alerts

Let us help you to avoid the disasters or mysterious decline of your conversion rate. All you need is the right alerting tools setup in the most optimised way for your business. It is relatively common that large ecommerce platforms cause broken links or product list errors which can be difficult to discover without the right alerts. It is also surprising how many ecommerce sites don’t have uptime alerts implemented which can result in the websites going offline for minutes or hours while you are busy in meetings or travelling.


eCommerce Reporting

A good weekly report will save you time, money and inspire you to find new campaigns and ideas. There are plenty of good reporting tools available and Google is once again chipping in to the market with their Data Studio, now available for free. It is amazing what you can achieve with the right knowledge and tailor-made reports.

We will help you to find the best reporting tool for your business and work with you to tailor-make your reports.


Weekly team processes

Having led successful ecommerce trading teams, we have optimised the already best in class working procedures to inspire and increase team productivity. Let us help you to inspire and improve your trading team for ultimate trading success.